
Attention to the Details

  • No more fuzzy analog cameras showing vague blurs resembling people

  • IP security cameras capture sharp detail for identifying facial features and tracking sticky fingers

  • Overview shots have the needed resolution to zoom in on recorded video and grant you total situational awareness, and irrefutable proof


Technology - Then vs. Now

  • Old fashioned analog cameras saw a handful of parked cars decently, or a whole row poorly

  • Now digital network cameras can watch your whole parking lot with detail and clarity, while zoom cameras capture license plates as vehicles enter

  • Traditional retail security made do with blurry cameras that may make out what a person wears, but not what a person does or looks like
  • Now chest-height cameras at the doors identify faces as they enter the store, even if the subject is wearing a hat or hood.

  • Cameras mounted over every register ceaselessly watch everything passing over the scanner, weeding out sweethearting and cutting losses at the source

  • Cameras at both ends of each aisle will capture subjects no matter which direction they’re heading

  • High-resolution overview cameras eliminate blind spots around produce and hot food areas, documenting theft and slip-and-falls wherever they occur


Why Procom?

If you're looking for the best security and surveillance system for your grocery store, we pride ourselves on getting full coverage and eliminating blind spots in your store so you can protect your assets. We understand money can leave your store up front, in the back, and even in the parking lot. We can give you the proof you need to protect yourself with standard 30 days recording time, system training, and even mobile device monitoring. Contact us for a consultation any time.


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Get A Quote (847) 545-0101